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Ceny a Plány

Mothergood nabízí pohybové lekce v několika studiích v Praze a Brně. Vyberte si své místo níže a podívejte se na cenové plány.

Prague Class Pass Options

  • Prague: 4-Class Pass (280czk/class)

    1 120Kč
    Attend 4 classes in any studio in Prague valid for 1 month.
    Platí jeden měsíc
    • Attend 1 in-person or online group fitness class per week
    • Flexibility to schedule in any fitness class in any location
    • All classes and locations are baby-friendly
    • All instructors are certified in pre and postnatal fitness
    • Connect with mamas in our supportive 200+ member community
    • Access to free community events and early bird prices
    • Full administrative support for all your program needs
  • Prague: 8-Class Pass (230czk/class)

    1 840Kč
    Attend 8 classes in any studio in Prague valid for 1 month.
    Platí jeden měsíc
    • Attend 2 in-person or online group fitness classes per week
    • Flexibility to schedule in any fitness class in any location
    • All classes and locations are baby-friendly
    • All instructors are certified in pre and postnatal fitness
    • Connect with mamas in our supportive 200+ member community
    • Access to free community events and early bird prices
    • Full administrative support for all your program needs
  • Prague: Unlimited Access Monthly Pass

    2 200Kč
    Attend unlimited classes in any studio in Prague valid for 1 month.
    Platí jeden měsíc
    • Attend unlimited in-person and on-line group fitness classes
    • Flexibility to schedule in any fitness class in any location
    • Exclusive discounts on events & workshops
    • Connect with mamas in our supportive 200+ member community
    • Access to free community events and early bird prices
    • All instructors are certified in pre and postnatal fitness
    • Full administrative support for all your program needs

Jednorázová Lekce

CZK330 za lekci

Nemůžete se tento měsíc zavázat k permanentce? Zúčastněte se jakékoli lekce jako jednorázový drop-in.

MultiSport v Praze

Přijímáme MultiSport karty na řadu lekcí v našem studiu Yoga Blue Art, Vinohrady, Praha.

Přijímáme MultiSport karty

Brno Class Pass Options

  • Brno: 4-class pass (200czk/class)

    Attend any class in Brno valid for 2 months
    Platí po dobu 2 měsíců
    • Attend any in-person group fitness class in Brno
    • Attend online group fitness classes
    • All instructors are certified in pre and postnatal fitness
    • All classes and locations are baby-friendly
    • Connect with mamas in Brno community
    • Access to free community events and early bird prices
    • Full administrative support for all your program needs
  • Brno: 8-class pass (180czk/class)

    1 440Kč
    Attend any class in Brno valid for 4 months
    Platí po dobu 4 měsíců
    • Attend any in-person group fitness class in Brno
    • Attend online group fitness classes
    • All instructors are certified in pre and postnatal fitness
    • All classes and locations are baby-friendly
    • Connect with mamas in Brno community
    • Access to free community events and early bird prices
    • Full administrative support for all your program needs

Brno Jednorázová lekce

CZK250 za lekci

Nemůžete se tento měsíc zavázat k permanentce? Zúčastněte se jakékoli lekce jako jednorázový drop-in.

Dárková Karta Mothergood

Oslavte cestu mateřstvím s Dárkovou Kartou Mothergood!

Ať už jde o fitness lekci vedenou našimi speciálně vyškolenými instruktory, prenatální nebo postnatální podporu, nebo osobní podporu, naše dárkové karty umožňují novým maminkám upřednostnit jejich pohodu.

Dárková Karta k dispozici
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